If you could spend time with a character from your book, which character would it be? And what would you do during that day?
That would be either Myrtle—I would try to reassure her that everything will turn out all right—or Petty, the primula. She is so optimistic and cheerful, something I really am not and a good dose of that will go a long way.
Tell us about the conflict in this book. What is at stake for your characters?
The conflict centers on self-discovery. If Myrtle doesn’t accept who she is, i.e. a witch (bumbling yes, but still a magical being) she will never be whole. Of course, having finally acknowledged that part of herself, other challenges brew on the horizon. Magic is dangerous, more so if it is flawed, it can be lethal as Aunt Eve has unfortunately demonstrated ….
What was one of the most surprising things you learned in creating In My Attic?
Romance is important. The story wouldn’t be the same without Chris, the mysterious dark man, rogue witch hunter, Myrtle’s love interest and future sidekick (in the sequels). He too had a minor role in the beginning, and it grew as I wrote. Try to keep romance out of a story. It just doesn’t work… .
How do you choose which genre to write in?
Oh, that’s easy. I write what I love to read, i.e. cozies. Not the standard ones, which I find too treacly and trite, but novels from writers like Susan Wittig Albert, Juliet Blackwell, Ann Granger, Jodie Taylor and of course the original Christie novels.
What makes your book different from other books in your genre?
In My Attic can be read on two levels—as a cozy mystery and as a novel touching upon more serious themes such as climate change, political upheavals etc. The second level is (hopefully) subtle, but it is there. I want to give readers a good escape, but that doesn’t mean I try to paint everything in rosy hues, which unfortunately too many cozies do these days.
Read the book in 2 days, hard to put down. I love books & this one goes with my keepers.
Loved the humor, the story lines, the English settings & all the characters.
When does the next book come out?
Hello Elise,
first of all – I’m so sorry for the late reply, life got a bit hectic and then the website went into strike mode. I just got everything sorted. Thank you so much for your kind words!!! If my book kept you entertained I’ve done my job. I also have some good news for you – I just signed the contract for the sequel, which is scheduled to come out next year (either in the summer or in autumn). In the meantime, I’m writing a novel I plan to give away to my subscribers for free. That should hopefully be available early next year. Let me know if you are interested. Take care, stay safe and healthy, Love Lina