Would you read a paranormal romance featuring a Selkie and a Were-Portuguese Water Dog??

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The reason I’m asking -I’m on vacation in Lagos, Algarve. The place is a dream – golden beaches, a glittery teal sea, tangerine cliffs, white houses covered in the famous indigo tiles – and then there was a Portuguese water dog walking in the street. All black, all curly, and cute white paws. A whiff of barbequed sardines in my nose, I was thinking “What if?” What do you think? Let me know, if this sort of thing is worth writing about.

Photo by Tim ten Cate on Unsplash

4 thoughts on “Would you read a paranormal romance featuring a Selkie and a Were-Portuguese Water Dog??

  1. Why not?
    Honestly, I think that everything written by you is worth reading!
    And the only reason why I have been lagging behind reading your work is because I’m busy studying.
    Hope to get in touch with you again one of these days…
    All my love,

    1. Hi there,
      so great to hear from you again!!!! I hope you are doing well. Studying? That sounds fascinating. I’ll send you a message on WP! Take care, Lina

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